PAIRIN Pro identifies student skill gaps and provides personalized social-emotional learning tools to help develop the skills necessary to ensure each student reaches their full potential. Job-specific or general “College and Career Readiness” targets help identify gaps to goals for focused development. Built-in flags also help schools identify potential dropouts.

Categories: Skills Assessment
Cost: Per License (tiered) Learn more about pricing.

Key Features

  • Quickly and accurately identify soft skills strengths and gaps for each student
  • Access built-in coaching and growth tips for each student’s growth areas
  • Utilize targets (such as job-specific and College Readiness) to set goals and track progress
  • Measure student growth over the course of a class or year of learning
  • Deploy individualized, focused skill development for each student based on gaps and their goals

Identify individual and group skill gaps and access social-emotional learning tools for personalized skill development.

Access insights and tips based on each student’s results for customized coaching and development support.

Students can set targets in tandem with their personal goals and track progress.

Evidence of Effectiveness

A national career readiness program whose mission is to inspire and prepare students for careers instead of jobs and give them a vision for higher education utilized PAIRIN’s tools to evaluate the effectiveness of their program with their 740 students, all who would be first-time college attendees. They surveyed their students before the 8-week program started and at the end of the program to understand the effectiveness of their program. The longitudinal results revealed that the Self-Confidence of students grew, but over half of the students experienced a regression in Self-Confidence by the end of the internship. The discovery of this data is led to significant changes in the program to better meet the needs of students and their internship employers.

What They're Saying

“PAIRIN is a critical tool for understanding our high-risk student population. The PAIRIN system enables us to create robust and actionable student profiles marrying academic data and emotional growth data. Our staff uses the data to fuel relevant and meaningful conversations with students, which strengthens that relationship.”

– Interim Assistant Executive Director, GOAL Academy

“For the first time, we can finally prove the impact the program has on our student’s college and career readiness!”

– Larry, College Summit

“PAIRIN is a unique social enterprise. Not only can they help people reach their potential more quickly, their system is clearly founded on the principle that every individual is uniquely valuable.”

– Katlyn, student at Stanford University

Key Tips for Implementation

Our Process Includes the following steps:

  • Train teachers to integrate skills learning into everyday curriculum
  • Identify key skills gaps in students
  • Target and measure skills growth over time
  • Create at-risk profiles specific to your students

Case Study

At the University of Colorado–Colorado Springs, a group of students was working to study and develop leadership and community service skills. PAIRIN’s soft skills assessment, coaching techniques and online curriculum were used for personalized learning. The PAIRIN Survey was used at the beginning of the program to provide a baseline and at the end to measure growth over time. Overall, 97% of the students experienced meaningful change, a T-score difference of 10 or more between surveys, with at least one attribute. The group changed an average of 3.64% across all the soft skills and mindsets measured by PAIRIN. Their Career Readiness match score increased by 8.05% as a group. The most notably changed attributes for the group were in Approval Seeking, which decreased by 10.6%; Achievement, which rose by 8.19%; and Engagement, which grew by 6.75%. Students completed a total of 106 online curriculum modules over the course of the school, with one of those students averaging a 29% growth in scores related to the online curriculum modules completed.

Read the case study
Other Digital Resources

An overview of the first cloud-based system for real-world student achievement

How one blended-learning high school used PAIRIN to assess and develop students’ soft skills

The methodology behind PAIRIN’s Curriculum

How PAIRIN trains teachers to effectively teach soft skills

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