Content Sharing Tools
Content sharing tools do not have the robust feature of an LMS but provide an easy way to share content digitally with learners. They may allow you to share content through group texting, on social media or through a mobile app, or by quickly creating a website or online board for posting content or weblinks. Some tools incorporate ways of engaging learners with the content including games.

Consider how you want to organize information and resources as you test different sharing tools. Tools such as Symbaloo, LiveBinders, Padlet, and Trello allow you to save and organize various weblinks to easily share with learners.

Flexibility & Maintenance
Simple website creation tools such as Weebly, Wix, WordPress, and Google Sites provide a flexible “home base” for everything you wish to share. Think about what you want to share and your capacity for keeping up.

Account Management
Be mindful of how many tools you utilize. Various tools offer a range of unique and exciting features, but the more tools that require logins, the more likely you’ll need to troubleshoot things such as forgotten passwords.
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