Weebly, a popular website authoring tool, also offers Weebly for Education. Weebly for Education is perfect for quickly and easily creating classroom websites, student e-portfolios, and websites for assigned projects. Weebly enables your students to express themselves creatively using a variety of multimedia features, all within a protected environment that you control.
Key Features
- Easy Drag and Drop Website Editor | Weebly is an easy-to-use drag-and-drop website editor. Videos, pictures, maps, and text are added by simply dragging them to your website.
- Flexible Blogging Features | Weebly offers a number of blogging features that instructors can use to post class updates and homework assignments, as well as provide opportunity for students to share ideas and collaborate on group and class assignments.
- Free Weebly for Education Account | Weebly for Education is completely free (and ad free) for teachers, and allows for up to 40 student websites. Instructors have full control over which websites are public, which are private, and which can be edited by the student.
- Free Hosting and Domain Publishing | Weebly for Education offers all the power of Weebly, along with free hosting and no bandwidth restrictions, storage caps, or limits to the number of pages you can include on your site. Instructors can create a Weebly domain or publish their site to their own domains.
- Optimized Designs for Any Device | All of Weebly’s templates crate websites that are easy to access, view, and use via desktop and mobile devices.
Evidence of Effectiveness
With a variety of templates and extensive features designed to be easy-to-use for everyone, Weebly is a popular website-building tool for personal, business, and educational use.
According to the EdTech Center @ World Education, adult educators across the country have used it to create websites for their classrooms to post learning resources and assignments for students to access anytime, anywhere. EdTech Center staff and partners including Nell Eckersley regularly train adult educators on how to develop quick websites that are easy to keep updated. Many educators quickly take to developing Weebly sites to share content with students.
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