Instructional Resources
There is a wide range of available instructional resources for all subject areas and learning levels. Resources range from entirely free collections of content or courses that can be independently navigated by learners to courses and content that is accessed by subscriptions or licenses purchased by learners or by their educational institutions to offer their learners.
Cost Range: Free to over $100/learner

Mobile Friendly
Given more adult learners own smartphones than home computers with internet access, look for instructional resources that are built to optimize the learning experience on smaller screens/devices.

Current Technology
As browsers phase out the ability to play Flash content, it is becoming increasingly challenging to view instructional content built using Flash. Make certain the resources you use with students built with up-to-date technology.

Reporting & Tracking
More robust sets of instructional resources such as Khan Academy or have their own reporting and tracking of student activity when accounts have been created.

Accounts & Integration
Many instructional resource sites offer integration with management systems such as Schoology and Google Classroom. This makes the process of assigning, accessing, and combining different content more seamless for instructors and learners.
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