Tapping Data for Frontline Talent Development
Tapping Data for Frontline Talent Development is an easily-readable, web-based guide, by Digital Promise, for exploring opportunities to use workforce and learning data to empower frontline workers.
Market Scan of Work-Based Learning
The Promising Trends and Challenges in Work-Based Learning: A Market Scan of Organizations and Tools report, by JFF Labs, provides a market scan of organizations and tools for work-based learning and presents key trends and challenges.
America at Work: A National Mosaic and Roadmap for Tomorrow
This report, America at Work: A National Mosaic and Roadmap for Tomorrow, released by Walmart examines more than 3,000 counties in the US with the goal of helping communities plan for the future and develop responses that will position them to survive and thrive in a...
How Investment in Technology can Accelerate Collective Impact in Adult Learning
This report, How Investment in Technology can Accelerate Collective Impact in Adult Learning, supported by Aztec Software and World Education, describes the barriers that adult learning organizations face related to technology and examines effective programming that...