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Google Classroom

Created hand-in-hand with teachers, Google Classroom is designed to provide everything teachers and students need to work better, together. With Google’s suite of integrated apps, Classroom allows you to easily create, assign, grade, and store assignments while organizing day-to-day tasks, managing class communication, and fostering greater collaboration.

Cost: Free

Key Features

  • Class Feed | Similar to the social media many students are accustomed to using, instructors can post, comment, and facilitate classroom discussion and collaboration using the Class Feed.
  • Organized Assignments | Use the Classwork page to organize and store all classroom assignments.
  • Teacher Feedback | With commenting tools that allow instructors to post and communicate with learners directly within documents, teacher’s can easily communicate meaningful feedback to learners.
  • Locked Quiz Mode | Eliminate distractions by giving quizzes in locked mode.
  • Secure Use from Any Device | Teachers and students can sign in from any computer or mobile device to access class assignments, course materials, and feedback. Like all Google for Education tools, Classroom meets high security standards.

Add students to any class at any time by sharing class codes.

Use the class feed to communicate with students, assign lessons, and foster class collaboration.

Easily organize, monitor, and grade assignments all in one place.

Evidence of Effectiveness

As a powerful, free learning management system with seamless integration of Google Drive, Google productivity apps, and a number of other popular learning applications, Google Classroom is the LMS of choice for thousands of K–12 and adult education classrooms worldwide.

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