Poll Everywhere
Poll Everywhere gives instructors or presenters a way to poll the room just in time. Use interactive questions to gauge understanding and adjust your instruction or presentation based on feedback from the entire room. Students respond from the privacy of their devices, including on simple phones through texting.
Categories: Formative Assessments
Cost: Per License
Learn more about pricing.
Key Features
- Since feedback is anonymous, everyone can focus on what is said rather than who said it. All students have an equal opportunity to be heard.
- Choose from six question types, including word cloud, open-response, and multiple-choice. Control when and how students respond.
- Add-ins and extensions for Microsoft PowerPoint and Google Slides mean you don’t have to leave your presentations to integrate interactive questions into instruction.
- Students respond live using their phones (including through texting) or mobile devices, allowing for instructors to hear from the entire class at once.
- Feedback appears in real time directly in your question slide. Use the results to springboard a larger discussion without calling on individuals.
Evidence of Effectiveness
Over 300,000 educators trust Poll Everywhere to conduct formative assessments and student polling within their classrooms.
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