Case Study: Campari and Voxy’s Combined Effort Drives Engagement, Proficiency Gains, and Employee Satisfaction
The Situation
The Campari Group is an influential force in the global spirits industry. One of the development initiatives Campari Brasil offers their employees is English language training. Hoping to increase employee engagement in language training initiatives and their ROI, Campari established a partnership with Voxy in December 2016. Voxy’s administrative and reporting dashboard— the Command Center—met the Campari program leadership’s need to implement a companywide language training program with detailed insight into user engagement and proficiency as well as the program’s impact on core business metrics.
The Solution
The program strongly promoted learner engagement. Voxy provided participants with a host of tools toward this goal, including access to individual performance dashboards, learner success coaching via phone, email and live chat, and personalized emails and notifications encouraging further study. Voxy’s comprehensive reports enabled Campari’s program leadership to structure their own rewards campaign to encourage a deeper level of participation among those in the program.
The Results
Throughout the program, an average of 86% of the participants remained active, showing strong and consistent engagement. The group completed more than 21,000 lessons, and 58% participated in live group sessions. Participants’ sustained involvement in the initiative translated into positive learning outcomes. Whereas in May, 29% of learners classified as Low Intermediate, by December the figure had risen to 57% as determined by the Voxy Proficiency Assessment®. Following the program, participants rated Voxy a 4.5 / 5 when asked how strongly they believed that Voxy would help them achieve their English language acquisition goals.