Equity and Inclusion

Ensuring the AI solution, and its implementation, is equitable, accessible, and inclusively designed is fundamental to cater to all learners’ needs.
Question mark icon for Equity and Inclusion
What design principles and accessibility standards does the developer follow to guarantee that their solution is accessible and user-friendly for every user, including those with disabilities or English as a second language? How is the tool implemented to accommodate the needs of diverse learners?

No technology is perfect but by asking the right questions about a technology and carefully considering our capacity to effectively leverage it, we can maximize impact.




How does the AI tool ensure compatibility across various devices, including mobile phones, tablets, and computers?


Can the AI tool function effectively across different levels of internet connectivity, including low-bandwidth environments? Is there an offline mode or downloadable content available?


What specific digital skills are required for students and staff to effectively use the AI tool?

Disability-Centered Design:

How is the AI solution designed to serve learners with disabilities or special needs?

Language Access:

What languages does the tool support and can the provider offer insights into which languages it works best with? Is on-screen text written in plain language for users developing literacy?



Ensuring Access:

How will you ensure that students of all abilities and backgrounds can benefit equally from the AI tool?

Digital Inclusion:

What resources can be provided to students who don’t have personal large-screen devices and reliable internet access?

Learner Factors and Variability:

What adult learner factors have you considered and will the tool equip you to address a wide range of strengths and needs?


An adult education program uses an adaptive assessment for end-of-course evaluations in a program attended by adult learners with diverse needs, including those with disabilities and limited English proficiency. At the start of the course, learners complete a digital profile that includes their learning preferences, accessibility needs, and language proficiency. This data informs how the tool presents the summative assessment to each learner, ensuring that all students can perform to the best of their abilities. The assessment leads to more accurate and fair insights into learners’ skills and knowledge. Educators and learners report higher satisfaction with the assessment process, noting that it feels more personalized and less stressful. The center observes improved pass rates and more meaningful feedback on learner performance, which helps tailor future training programs to better meet learners’ needs.
A woman working at her desk.

The AI Integration Framework was adapted, with permission, from the "Top 6 Questions for GenAI EdTech Providers" resource developed by AI for Education.

This is one dimension of the AI Integration Framework.

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