Job Search & Placement
Big data is revolutionizing the way workers document their skills and experience and employers identify job requirements, enabling new ways for matching jobseekers to opportunities. Resumes are being replaced by tools that allow jobseekers to broadcast skills via badges, online assessments, sample work product, and in online profiles. Tools that mine labor market data and profile occupational skills requirements allow for better “signaling” as to what skills are needed for current and future jobs.

Job Boards
Job search tools including Indeed, Monster, and CareerBuilder continuously add tools to help streamline the job search and recruitment process. Many states also have job boards and additional career search tools to support local workforce development.

Skill Based Hiring
As employers increasingly use online platforms rather than resumes to screen applicants, jobseekers must be prepared to “signal” relevant skills, strengths, and prior experience (including informal), a process that can be aided through a growing number of assessment tools.

Web Presence
Social tools such as LinkedIn allow jobseekers to broadcast their work history, document their skills, and promote their personal brand through posts, uploading of artifacts demonstrating previous work, and sharing of earned certificates and badges.

Labor Market Information
Real-time labor market information engines such as Burning Glass and EMSI mine data to identify skill needs at a localized level, helping employers clearly identify skill needs and jobseekers understand what skills are most in demand.
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